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Boat Detailing

Contact The Service Department

Phone: 239-463-7333 Ext. 118 or toll free at 888-796-6427 Ext. 118
Fax: 239-463-9144

Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm. Weekend appointments are by availability and appointment only.

In Florida, our boating season is year round and many people can’t find the time to thoroughly clean their boats on a regular basis. Our experienced detailers can relieve you of this worry by helping to keep your investment in prime condition. Call us to receive a free estimate on one of our in-house boat detailing packages, or have us create one to match your individual preferences. We are dedicated to keeping you smiling and your vessel shining.

The Detail Department at Salty Sam’s Marina is dedicated to providing you with the best service available. A report will be left on-board after each cleaning to keep you informed of the time and date the job was completed The report also provides you the opportunity to suggest any changes or comments for your detailer’s future visits. We use only high quality products featuring Eco-Sheen, Starbrite, Yachtbrite, 3M, and Maguire’s to name a few. Please contact us today so we can help get you on the path hassle free boating.

Above is an example of the Detail Department’s Wet Sanding Application. After wet sanding, we apply a heavy grit compound, wax and sealant to protect the longevity of the fiberglass. This helps with heavily oxidized boat hulls and restore your vessels to near new condition.

Bronze Package

This is our basic detail­ing pack­age, includ­ing a hand wash and wax (hull only) and inte­rior boat soap wash. (Cabin clean­ing not included)

Silver Package

This pack­age includes a full exte­rior hand/machine wash and wax, as well as inte­rior clean­ing. Inte­rior clean­ing includes win­dows, chrome, stor­age com­part­ments, sur­faces, lava­to­ries, etc.

Gold Package

This is our high­est qual­ity pack­age, which will help restore the look of your ves­sel and extend the life of its shine. The Gold Pack­age includes a full exte­rior hand and machine three-step process accom­pa­nied by com­pound, wax, and pro­tec­tant to help restore its shine. It also includes inte­rior odor and mold elim­i­na­tion and inte­rior / exte­rior clean­ing and pro­tec­tant appli­ca­tion of all vinyl, uphol­stery, car­pet, can­vas, chrome, win­dows, isen­glas, fiber­glass, etc.

Washdown Services

Sched­ule accord­ing to your needs; weekly, biweekly, or monthly
Wash and chamois from the water line up to help pro­tect your ves­sel from black streaks, bird drop­pings, bugs and will also extend the life of your wax Vinyl seat clean­ing and appli­ca­tion of UV pro­tec­tant to help pre­vent sun dam­age to upholstery.

Win­dow and can­vas clean­ing with a water­proof­ing solu­tion appli­ca­tion to help pre­vent leaks and color fad­ing through­out the rainy season.

Dis­counts offered in con­junc­tion with three-month to one-year contracts.

Bottom Cleaning Services

Choose between in-water and out-of-water cleaning
Boats up to 36′ can be hauled for scrap­ing and/or pres­sure cleaning.
In-water clean­ing is avail­able for the removal of algae and bar­na­cles as well as bot­tom paint eval­u­a­tion, strainer clean­ing and run­ning gear inspection/cleaning.

Zinc replace­ment is avail­able as needed to help pre­vent elec­trol­y­sis dam­age to under­wa­ter metal, props, out­drives, shafts, etc.